Performance Poetry Workshop at Guwahati Grand Poetry Festival Featuring Tenzin Tsundue

I took a Performance Poetry Workshop at the first edition of Guwahati Grand Poetry Festival on 20th and 21st January, 2018. It was a lively interaction. I highlighted the nuances of imagery, originality in writing and performance, and how to connect with the audience. Also performing his poems was Tenzin Tsundue, a celebrated poet, writer, Tibetan activist, and above all a good friend.
It was organized at Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture (Uzan Bazar) and Assam State Museum (Ambari). The festival brought together celebrated and upcoming poets of Northeast India.

The festival was presented in collaboration with English Department of Cotton University and East India Poets. The festival will witness the esteemed presence of Shri Pradip Acharjya, retd. Professor of English, Cotton College and Kavyaratna Anisuz Zaman; Dr. Rakhee Kalita Moral, Professor of English, JNU; Dr. Nandini Sahu, celebrated poet and Professor of English, School of Humanities, IGNOU, Shri Sukracharya Rabha, Mainul Haque, Dr. Harekrishna Deka, Dr. Nilim Kumar, Samir Tanti, Anubhav Tulasi, Rajeeb Phukan, Atanu Bhattacharya, Pranab Barman, Bipul Deori, Shantanu Phukan, Asha Kuthari Choudhury, Dr. Nirendra Nath Thakuria, Dr. Dhrubajyoti Das, Kamal Kataki, Mayur Bora, Namrata Pathak, and many others will participate in the festival.


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